Month: September 2007

  • Sunday Evening Update

    Good evening Evie friends!

    First, let me say that I've had a number of you e-mail me about Friday's update going missing.  It's the oddest thing I've ever seen!  When I initially came on here and logged it, I saw it was missing.  The last entry was from Wednesday.  Then when I clicked on Evie's name at the top, and got to a second page, it's there again.  So I have NO idea what's going on!  My apologies to you all though! 

    OK, so Evie remains in hospice.  She has enjoyed the weekend with her Grandmama being there.  Her mom and dad have spent the weekend with her as well.  When I talked to her mom this afternoon, Evie was sleeping very soundly.  I was glad to hear that because she hasn't been able to rest very well the past few days.  So I was really glad to hear she was getting some much needed rest. 

    There's not an awful lot to tell.  Just please continue to lift her and her family up.  And please continue to send cards, letters, notes, etc.  Those have been so encouraging to Evie and family! 

  • Wednesday Update

    Good afternoon all!

    I spoke with Evie's mom a few minutes ago.  She continues to remain about the same.  No major changes at this time.  Her Aunt Nancy is still staying with her.  And her cousin is doing a great deal of the shuttling kids back and forth to where they need to be.

    Again if you would like to send cards, letters, or any kind of "happy" to Evie, please do so.  Paul is making sure she gets those things to help perk her up when she feels up to reading them.  If you don't have Evie's home address, please feel free to e-mail me at: and I'll provide you with that so you can send her something to bring a smile to her.

    A gentle reminder that even though Evie is no longer in the hospital, she does not feel up to visitors.  It's very important to remember how fragile her health is at this time and that her family needs all the time she feels up to visits to have that time with her themselves.  Her "good" time is very precious and while she and her family appreciate all the love everyone else has for Evie, it's important to let her family have that "good" time with her. 

    When I have more information, I'll pass it along.  But for right now, let's all continue to pray for Evie and her family as they deal with what comes minute-by-minute.  They are all so appreciative of the prayers, love and support. 

  • Monday Update

    I just talked to Ms. Jan.  Evie got settled in the hospice facility today.  Paul brought her birdfeeders from home to hang outside her window at the facility.  He brought some of her things from home to decorate her room with.  She's looking forward to her whole family coming tonight so they can watch Monday Night Football together.

    That's about all the news there is.  Ms. Jan is going to go home for a few days and let her sister Nancy stay with Evie, so I may not get daily reports.  She said she'd call with any news if something changed.  So we're going to hold on to "No news is GOOD news!" 

    Thanks for the continued prayers! 

  • Saturday Evie Update

    I spoke with Ms. Jan earlier today.  Evie remains in the hospital at this time.  She has gotten to spend a good deal of time with her baby brother which has given her immense joy!  She is beyond thrilled to have him with her!

    Tonight is the big Homecoming for the girls! 

    Paul and the kids were able to spend some time with Evie yesterday.  Paul brought her some gorgeous purple roses, her favorite.

    Her Aunt Sally and cousin Sarah are leaving shortly, but her Aunt Nancy and another cousin (whose name left me, I SOOOOOOOO apologize!) will be here helping take care of her family this coming week.

    There's been no change with the blockage.  She is able to take a few bites of food for the sensation of eating, but it must exit her tummy tube immediately.  She was able to enjoy a few bites of the soft part of a lemon bar today.

    They have determined that hospice in the home is probably not going to be sufficient to meet Evie's needs.  So they are looking at two different hospice facilities.  They are hopeful she might get to move to one of those early next week.

    That's about it for today.  When I hear more, I'll update.  Thank you all for your continued prayers for Evie and her family and extended family.  They are so very appreciative for all your prayers, love and support during this time.

  • Thursday Evie Update

    MUCH good news to share tonight!

    When I spoke with Ms. Jan earlier this evening, she shared with me that Evie had had some great things happen today.  Not exactly TO her, but giving her some great joy anyway!

    Ciera found out she was chosen as the Junior Class Queen!  What makes this so special is that she was not nominated.  The class just got to write in the name of someone they felt deserved to be Queen.  And Ciera is IT!  What is even more precious is that Ciera's friend, Colin who fought his own battle with cancer this summer, was elected King! 

    Meleia was playing Volleyball tonight and pretty much every family member that was handy was planning to be there to watch her play.  So she was excited beyond belief!  And one of her coaches made a DVD of JUST Mimi during the past few volleyball games so Evie was able to watch her play volleyball without having to watch the entire games.  So she enjoyed that so much!

    When I talked to Ms. Jan, David was en route from Kansas and was planning to be at the hospital around 6:00.  So Evie was SO looking forward to seeing her baby brother!

    I actually got to talk to Evie for just a few moments!  I can't even begin to tell you all how amazing it was to hear her voice!  She *sounded* so good!  I got a chance to tell her myself just how much she is loved and how hard all her friends and loved ones are praying for her!

    Health-wise, nothing has changed much.  The blockage is still there.  They attempted to do an ultrasound of her leg earlier today, but it was causing her such extreme pain, even bringing in a different machine to try, that she just couldn't tolerate it. 

    She's very sore from having been immobile for so many days.  Her left leg is severely swollen and they are concerned she might have formed a blood clot in that leg.  That's why they were trying to do the ultrasound.

    They were able to meet with hospice and have all arrangements set up for when she is stable enough to go home.  She's not stable enough at this point to, in fact, go home, even with hospice in place.

    Once she is able to go home, she will have much support with her family there taking care of her.  She's currently got a couple of aunts and a cousin in from various places.  David should be there by the time I get this posted.  So she'll have lots of fabulous care once she gets to go home.

    I think that's about it for today.  I hope I haven't failed to tell you anything important.  I was driving when I spoke with Ms. Jan so I couldn't take notes like I normally do.  When I know more, I'll fill you all in!

    It was such a joy to get to tell Evie PERSONALLY today how many people love her and are lifting her and her family up in prayer!  Please continue!

  • Wednesday Evie Update

    Some *good* news!  Evie got to move from ICU to a regular room!   The folks from hospice were supposed to come this afternoon to discuss what would need to happen and be in place before Evie could go home.  She very much wants to go home.

    She's still having quite a lot of discomfort because she's been immobile for so many days now.  They were able to get her up onto the side of the bed today and let her sit up for a few minutes.  Her cousin Sarah has been with her at the hospital some. 

    Her ICU nurses are already missing her!  One of her nurses from ICU came down to visit her and brought her a groovy nightlight to clip to her journals she's writing for the kids.  Another came down this morning when she got off her own shift to help Evie get settled in her new room.  Y'all pray a special blessing for those nurses, would you?  They are heaven-sent, no doubt! 

    Ev was able to eat just a little today for the first time in lots of days.  It was more about the sensation of getting to chew and swallow because it was drained immediately via her tummy tube.  But she did get to eat some soft foods.  So she was pretty excited about that!

    I haven't heard anything back this evening as to how the meeting with hospice went.  But as soon as I know something, I'll let you all know. 

    Thank you for your continued prayers and support!  Paul is bringing in mail from all of the folks who love Evie each day.  And she's really enjoying that!



  • Tuesday Update

    I'm going to stop telling you guys that it's me (Amy) posting for Evie.........

    I spoke with Ms. Jan earlier today.  She said Evie had had a couple x-rays.  One yesterday showed significant blockage still.  She had one earlier this morning, but they didn't have the results from that one yet.

    She's pretty much the same as yesterday.  No significant changes to report.  She's holding her own right now.

    They're still in ICU and hoping at some point they can get Evie stable enough to go home with hospice care to take care of.  That's the goal, but they just aren't there yet.  She'll likely have to be well enough to be stepped down a few days into the regular hospital population.

    She's the absolute favorite patient in ICU right now.  Of course she is!  How could she NOT be?!  But she's tired of being the favorite patient anywhere.  She wants to go home.

    Paul and the kids brought her in some silk flowers to brighten up her room.  And she's got cards and letters up on the walls.  I specifically asked if we could all send letters, cards, etc. to the hospital, but Ms. Jan said to send any of that to the house.  So let's all send lots of love to her!

    Please continue to pray that her digestive tract starts to play nice!  And continue to pray for Paul, the kids, Ev's parents and brother as they watch their precious wife, mom, daughter and sister enduring this ordeal! 

    And as always, much love from Evie and I sent much love from all of us!


  • Monday Update

    Amy here again......

    Ms. Jan called while I was in a meeting this morning, so I'm sorry I'm just now getting around to posting an update.

    Things are much the same as they've been the past couple of days.  There's still no improvement with the blockage.  They were told that they could wait up to 2 weeks for the small intestine to begin functioning on its own.  

    Evie was able to visit with all the kids yesterday for a while. 

    There's not an awful lot to report because things are just about the same as they have been for the past couple days.  I'll keep you all updated as I receive updates. 

    Please continue to lift Evie and family up!  They are all very appreciative for the prayers!

  • Sunday Update

    Amy again.........

    I spoke with Ms. Jan a few minutes ago.  Paul was in visiting with Evie.  Ciera had already gotten to spend a little time with her mom today. 

    Evie was anxiously waiting on the younger 3 to come visit.  Evie's aunt and cousin arrived safe and sound and had taken the kids to church this morning, then to lunch.  When they finished with lunch, they were heading to the hospital to let each of the kids visit a few minutes with Evie. 

    Evie is not better and no worse right now.  There have been no significant changes either way.  Please continue to pray!  I'll let you all know when I have more information! 

  • Saturday Evie Update

    Amy here............

    I just got off the phone with Ms. Jan.  Evie is awake and was talking in the background and her spirits were fairly good for her current condition.  This is what is going on right now.......

    Evie's digestive system has taken quite a hit.  It is just not cooperating right now.  The hospital has been trying to drain her digestive tract by way of her tummy tube and an NG tube (a tube running into her nose and down through her throat and into her digestive tract.)  She had quite a bit of misery through the night from the NG tube.  So it has now been removed.  They have not gotten the results with her digestive tract that they would like to get.  Therefore, she is still unable to eat or drink by mouth.  She IS receiving nutrition via IV.

    Her white blood count is up and she currently has a fever which indicates there is infection in her system.  She is having muscle spasms.  They have put pressure garments on her legs to hopefully avoid blood clots forming.

    Her mom is able to be with her round the clock, even during the night, despite being in ICU.  Ms. Jan said that before last night, she's just had a chair in the room, but last night they brought her in a roll-away cot.  So the hospital is being very accomodating.  That's really great news! 

    Evie is looking forward to some other family members coming soon.  Her Aunt Sally is coming next week, as is her cousin Sarah.  Her Aunt Nancy is coming the following week.  Her brother David is coming a week after that.  So they have some great care for Evie and her family over the coming few weeks.

    On Friday, Paul was able to arrange for a substitute teacher for his class to come in so he was able to be with Evie.  The kids were all able to come back one at a time for about 10 minutes each.  So they got to spend a little time with their mom.  Paul is coming later this evening to spend some time with her and they hope she can rest well tonight so she can muster the energy to visit with the kids some tomorrow.

    Once again, they have to request there be no visitors.  Evie is simply not up to it.  Ms. Jan is taking great care of Evie and will continue to do so as well as keep me updated on Evie's condition.

    She is very appreciative for all the prayers!  I assured Ms. Jan that we will all continue lifting her and her entire family up in prayer.  So let's all keep those prayers flowing!  I will let you all know when there is more information.  Due to the misery from that NG tube, she didn't sleep very well last night.  So some specific prayers for sweet rest would be much appreciated!

    Much love from Evie!