May 22, 2007

  • I'm falling behind

     I'm sorry that I haven't been keeping this as updated as perhaps I should.  The "downer" days around chemo really affect my mood and my desire to do much of anything. And unfortunately for you, that includes blogging.

    We did get to surprise Ciera on Sunday!  It was wonderful!  I was only strong enough to stick around for about an hour, but it was good to see her with her friends and to see her so surprised.  I guess about a week ago, she said to Meleia, "I can't believe my 16th birthday just came and went with no recognition."  Now... NOW she's been recognized.  She had a great day.  About 20 kids showed up and they played frisbee and volleyball.  We took our stereo which holds 50 CDs and had Meleia raid all of Ciera's music to crank up.  They ate sugar until they popped and grilled hot dogs.  It was lovely.  A few pictures (I'll post a link to more when I get them uploaded)...


    With "big brother" Jake


    With her parents


    Yakkin' with some friends


    Walking across the field with Zach & Collin.

    A short story about that last picture:  Collin has lymphoma.  His diagnosis has been hard on my girl.  It's been hard on him, too.  But I just love that last picture, because in it, he's just a teenager.  Walking with his friends.  They all just look so relaxed and like they're enjoying each other's company.  It's very cool.  BTW, Collin outlasted me at the party.  I wish I were 16 again!  NO! NO I DON'T!  Take that back...  I wish I had the ENERGY of a 16-year-old again!

    It is positively pouring rain outside.  And the dogs are out.  Shoot.  They all have shelter, but whether they're smart enough to use it is the question.  Olie is so scared of thunder it isn't funny.  He is probably huddled under the deck thinking that the world is coming to an end!!!

    I found out that my baby brother is flying into town for my birthday this weekend.  I can't wait to see him and hug his neck.  Mama and Daddy and Paul and the kids are hosting a come and go open house for just a few people on Saturday so that I can feel like I had a party, but not have to have a whole party.  If I sat down and thought about everyone locally that was important to me, we could wind up with 50 people at the house.  But I'm not up to that.  So, we invited just a few couples and we'll have a good time.  I'll take my Xanax and will be nice and relaxed.

    OK, time for the rain to stop so that I can go down to the hospital and get blood drawn!

Comments (2)

  • Don't apologize.  I feel bad enough that I haven't found the time lately to update my own! 

    Stay strong my dear... and give David a big hug for me.  Wish I could be there in time to give him one myself.... but I'll be there soon enough (9 more days!) to give YOU one.  I can't wait!

  • Wonderful day...

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