Month: April 2007

  • Monday Ramblings

    Well, thanks for the compliments on the hair.  I do like the biker chick hair, too, and will wear it sometimes.  But the calmer hair is more me.

    I've been having night sweats.  Not just kind of sweaty.  On Friday night, I felt like someone took a bucket of water and poured it over me from head to toe while I was in bed.  I was soaked, the sheets were soaked, the pillows were soaked, my skin was wet.  It was pretty bad.  Taxol causes night sweats, and is just emphasizing the menopausal sweats.

    But we now have a plan.

    I sleep on a bath sheet, with another towel over the sit-up pillow that I have to use and my regular pillow.  I also have a "Chillow," which is pretty darned cool. When I have one of those big giant episodes, I just get up, pull up the bath sheet, use it to get dried off, change clothes (new ones are waiting at the end of the bed), lay down another bath sheet and go back to sleep.  I also have the ceiling fan on, the window open, and a small fan on my bedside stand that blows directly on my face to keep me cool.

    The first night that one of these giant ones happened, I just sat in the bed and sobbed.  Paul took care of getting me dry and tucking me back in.  My mom reminds me (she's right) that I only cry when I feel out of control, and I felt completely out of control.

    I just wanted to point out that each of us say "In sickness and in health" when we get married.  My sweet husband is living this part of his vows out.  He went to the doctor with me for the first time a month ago, and since then, I think my illness has become more real to him.  Not that he didn't know that I was sick, but it really hit home then, I think.  Since that visit, he has been more in tune with what's going on with me.  Without me even asking.  He's checking up on  my meds, doing what he can to keep things calm when I'm stressed, picking up prescription after prescription after prescription.  Driving EVERYWHERE.  And when I wake up at 2:00 am sobbing, he gets up, dries me off, changes my PJs and tucks me back in.

    He's a good egg.

    Similar to the contracts of their youth, we typed up a very concise document for Ciera tonight.  We told her that we really don't want to spend more than 5 minutes on discipline for any offense.  We typed out the House Rules, Her Chores and Responsibilities, Penalties for failing to do her chores or for breaking house rules, and our expectations of her behavior.

    She read through it and said that she could accept it.  So... no more lectures.  I'll copy and paste it to the bottom of this post in case anyone is interested.  I'll work on Meleia's tomorrow.

    I did something stupid and got very distracted with a problem at work this morning and forgot to hook up to Ms. Pump-n-stuff.  I tried to catch up, but it made me feel icky, so I've had less than 2 cans of nutrition today.  I may crank it up a bit tonight and see if I can catch up some more.  Dumb, dumb, dumb...

    The boys went skiing this weekend.  Colton tried snowboarding for the first time.  The primary problem with spring skiing?  The sun is BRIGHT.  I have 3 roasted boys.  Colton and Rohan have their spring concert at school tomorrow.  Bless their hearts...  Colton asked me if I thought the burn would be gone by morning.  Umm... no, honey, I don't.

    Have a good evening.  Here's Ciera's rules, etc...

    House Rules:


    1. No computer before homework and chores are completed.
    2. Chores are to be completed as soon as possible when returning home from school.
    3. On Saturday, chores are to be completed before 1:00 pm or before any recreational activity will be approved.
    4. On Sunday, chores are to be completed before any recreational activity will be approved.
    5. Computer rule does not change on the weekends. 
    6. No phone calls after 9:30 pm on Sunday or a week night.
    7. No phone calls after 10:30 pm on Friday or Saturday night.
    8. The cell phone is to be returned to the kitchen by 9:30 pm on weeknights and 10:30 pm on Friday or Saturday night.
    9. Additional chores may be assigned by the parents.  However, this does not excuse you from doing your basic chores.
    10. Respect is due the parents at all times.


    Ciera’s Chores:


    1. Feed and water the rabbits each morning before school.  Weekends before 10:00 am
    2. Clean the kitchen daily.  Just because the dishwasher is running does not mean that the kitchen is clean
    3. Take your stuff out of the bathroom daily.
    4. Room spotless clean on Saturdays.
    5. Homework




    1. If you use the computer without permission, or you lie to one parent and gain permission fraudulently, the computer is taken away for the next day.  This also applies if you do not complete your chores on any given day.
    2. If you are disrespectful, you will be given a warning.  “That is one.”  After the warning, if it happens again in the same day, you will not be allowed to do anything but school, church, and home for 3 days.  If in that three days there is another disrespect issue, 3 days will be added on.
    3. If you parent your siblings, the computer will be taken away for 2 days.  Penalties are served consecutively.
    4. If you blow bedtime or the phone curfew, you may not use the cell phone the next day.
    5. Other penalties will be decided upon based on behavior.




    1. You will be cheerful and easy to get along with, especially in the morning.
    2. You will go to bed, lights out, by 9:30 on school nights.  This is no longer negotiable.  Plan your homework/chores/showers around a 9:30 bedtime.  If they are not done by 9:30, you are still going to bed, and the appropriate penalties will apply.
    3. You will do your chores on time without hesitation, arguing, or nagging.
    4. You will show the appropriate respect to both parents at all times.  If you are respectful and do what you’re asked to do cheerfully, then there will be a lot less conflict in the house.

  • My new hair arrived last night.

    I'm trying my darndest to get a picture emailed from my phone.  I've sent it twice to my work addy, and nothing.  I just sent it to my personal addy.  We'll see if THAT goes through.

    It looks, well, pretty much like me.

    This morning, in the car, we were on the way to school.  Colton wasn't home yesterday when the wig arrived and we had a try-on session and all ooohed and aaahhhed over it.  So, half way to school, Ciera said, "Mama, I really like it.  It's cute."  And poor Colton says, "Wait... that's a WIG?!?!"  Ciera teased him that my hair hasn't looked that good in MONTHS.  Thank you, dear.

    Paul said, "Just like me, he just sees his Mommy as beautiful..."  Everybody say AAAWWWWW....

    New Hair2

    And there you have it.  The "new" me.  I also cropped it so that you could see the beautiful family portraits above the television.  They just make the wall!

  • A Word With You... for all of us who are waiting...

    By Ron Hutchcraft
    #5294 - "The Reason for the Wait"
    Psalm 37:5

        Isn't it amazing how different your second child can be from your first child? Just when you think you've got this parent thing figured out, God sends you a totally different kid. For example, food has always been sort of a necessary evil for our son's oldest, our granddaughter. She can take it or leave it. Since infancy, she hasn't cared much about whether or not she had food. Not her brother! Oh no! This kid is an eating machine. He's only about a year old, but he's been Food King much of his little life. When he was still supposed to be only having milk, he was following every bite any of us put into our mouth as if to say, "So when do I get some of that stuff?" How did he graduate to crawling? One thing that helped was putting some food across the room. He took off on all fours like a firecracker had gone off behind him. The other day, his mom was mixing up his next meal, and he was watching and complaining. As she continued to get it ready, he continued to escalate his expressions of impatience and displeasure. By the time his food was ready, we were dealing with a very loud, very insistent protest.

        I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "The Reason for the Wait."

        Our grandson didn't have the words to say it, but he made his desires very clear as his food was being prepared, "I want my food, and I want it NOW!" It's a good thing his mother didn't give in. It wasn't ready yet! Believe me, it wouldn't have been good for him to get what he wanted when he wanted it. It would have been, in plain English, bleaaahhh!

        I can't begin to count the times I've been the same way with God about something I wanted or needed. "What's taking so long, God? I want it, and I want it NOW!" Maybe there's something you've been asking and trusting God for a while, and it still hasn't come. You want it now, but there's a reason God isn't giving it to you now. It's not ready yet. And it would disappoint you if He gave it to you now.

        There's a word that's one of the major keys to God's best, a word that is spelled out in our word for today from the Word of God. Psalm 37, beginning with verse 5, tells us to: "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this ... Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him ... Wait for the Lord and keep His way." There's the word that often stands between you and God's best - wait. Part of committing your way to the Lord, of trusting in Him, is to wait until God says it's ready; until God says you're ready. So many people are living today in the heartache of their own impatience. They couldn't wait, so they grabbed what they could have now. And it's been much less than what God was getting ready for them.

        You've been waiting for God to come through. You want to be married. You're waiting for Him to answer your prayer about having a child or raising a child. You're waiting for that job, that heart change, that breakthrough, that answer, and it hasn't come yet. Don't panic. Don't let impatience cost you the perfect will of God. Premature babies aren't as healthy as ones that are full-term. Premature solutions aren't healthy either. Wait until it's full-term. Remember the principle of Galatians 4:4, "In the fullness of time, God ..." God will bring you your answer when it's ready. So stop whimpering, stop whining, stop trying to grab it before it's ready. If you insist on having it now, you're not going to like it!

  • New Side Effect... and SNOW!!!

    Well, this morning, I woke up and got up to go to the bathroom, like normal.  And my feet felt funny.  Kind of like they were asleep or swollen.  Or asleep and swollen.  But they were not swollen, and there was no reason for them to be asleep.

    So, it appears that I have Neuropathy.  Here's something that I found on Taxol and Neuropathy so that you guys know what's up and what we're facing:

    What is neuropathy??? Neuropathy literally means "disease of the nerves". Neuro- refers to nerves and -pathy refers to disease or dysfunction. Some of the symptoms of the type of neuropathy most frequently caused by chemotherapy are:

    • tingling (feeling of needles and pins) and burning,
    • loss of sensation to touch,
    • pain in the affected areas,
    • loss of positional sense (knowing where a body part is without looking), and
    • loss of balance.

    The most common areas of the body affected are the tips of the extremities (fingers and toes). This sensory loss may move gradually upward in a stocking-glove type fashion (as if you pulled a long glove on your arm or a knee-high sock on your foot and leg). This is called peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes other areas of the body (face, back, chest, etc) are affected. Some literature suggests than neuropathy can cause or worsen constipation and conditions such as ileus (intestinal obstruction).

    Although some of the signs of neuropathy may appear suddenly, this change in sensation usually builds gradually and gets worse with each subsequent dose of chemotherapy.

    It is usually strongest right after a treatment but tends to lessen just before the next treatment. The symptoms usually peak about 3-5 months after the last dose was taken. The abnormal sensations may disappear completely or lessen only partially; they may also involve less of the body. If neuropathy diminishes, it is a gradual process usually requiring several months. However it may be irreversible and never diminish in intensity or the area of body affected.

    You may have heard that we got a flash blizzard yesterday.  At our house, we had about 15 inches that drifted to 3 feet+ in places.  It took a very long time to get home from Compassion, and I couldn't get in today.  About the time Paul got us dug out enough for me to go in, we lost our power for 4 or 5 hours and I couldn't take a shower.  The joys of a well... no power, no water.

    I was able to work by battery on my laptop, but not being able to be connected to any network made it hard.  When you're a programmer, you need to be able to check your code in small steps.  Doesn't work well when you can't.

    Oh well.  At least we have power now.  There are some folks who aren't going  to have power before Saturday.  We were phoneless for about 2 hours prior to the power going out.  We had just gotten the phone back when the power went out.  Yucko!

    Well, my children have been outside some today, which is good, because they have MAJOR cabin fever.  Two snow days at the end of April is a bit much for them.  Ciera has had time to catch up with her schoolwork and housework, which has been a blessing for her.

    It will be good for them to go back to school tomorrow.

    My hair is getting really thin.  I found a major bald spot yesterday, and so I wore a hat to work.  At one point, it got really warm, but it was cute.  One of my family members sent me a gift certificate to a great hats website, and I bought a cool turban that has a way for you to thread scarves through it to change the look.  I think that turban will be perfect for the days that a regular hat is just too warm.  And I can buy fabric to change the look whenever I want, so that'll be great.  I did order 2 extra scarves to go with the turban, so I'll have 3 looks to interchange from the get-go.

    Y'all have a great night.  I'm off to take a shower...

  • Monday's Chemo Update

    Happy Monday, all.

    I wanted to let you all know that this weekend went swimmingly as far as my health goes.  I'm having very severe heartburn, but the doctor has called in a prescription that I will start taking tonight.  He said that I can take Maalox if the prescription doesn't work right away, I just have to leave a window around my Coumadin.

    My pain level is decreased SIGNIFICANTLY, and I am so happy to be nearly pain free over the weekend, and now.  Yes, they had to double my pain meds to get there, but we got there.  I was resistant to making this move for some reason.  And I think it's totally psychological.  If  he had doubled my OxyContin, I would have freaked out.  But to double the strength of a patch?  No biggie.  How strange I am.  Oh well.  It has worked, and for that I am thankful.

    I'm in a bit of a fog, but that's just what they call "Chemo Brain" according to the nurse I talked to.  She said that my issues with memory on Thursday (chemo day) are probably attributable more to my pre-meds than the chemo itself. I guess I got a humongous hit of Benedryl with my pre-meds.  I'm having a lot of trouble remembering things from Thursday, and it's driving me slightly batty.  Stephanie was with me through the morning, and then my cousin, Debbie, came.  I kind of remember the "hand off" where Steph left and Deb came.  But I don't remember much of anything with Deb that afternoon.  I do remember that she has a new car.  Can't for the life of me remember what kind it is.  After she left, I panicked thinking that I hadn't said, "Thank You" or even "Good-bye."  But Meleia assured me that I had.  That's the stuff that's driving me crazy.  I also need to have my blood drawn every week on Thursday.  I don't remember those instructions.  I only know that I have a prescription in my purse for weekly blood draws.  Ay yi yi!

    This morning, I got dressed for work, and put on a cami with a suit jacket, knowing that normally on Monday, it's cold in the office.  I got here, and was burning up from the exertion of walking to my cube.  I called Paul to bring me something different to wear since I couldn't take off my suit jacket, and by the time he got here, I was freezing.  So, the fun of hormones and lack thereof just continues!

    On the hormone front, we did find out that my tumor does not have hormone receptors. I will not be able to take Tamoxifen and have it be effective.  Now, Dr. H is open to trying it anyway, thinking that perhaps it was a sampling error, and that the tumor might have hormone receptors.  I remember him saying something about it not being well-differentiated or something.  Something to the effect of the cancer not being consistant across cells. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Especially since I don't remember it.  It doesn't seem to make a lot of sense that it's not a hormone fed cancer when getting my hormones in order was what triggered the pain and apparent growth of the cancer in the first place.

    I am still pleasantly shocked at my reaction to Taxol.  I was so afraid of how bad I would feel, and with the exception of the heartburn, I'm doing so well.  When I was on weekly chemo during radiation, I felt so lousy for a few days.  This time, when the drug was stronger, I really didn't feel that bad.  My mom says it's because I'm stronger, too.  I'm just happy that I can handle a 3-week dose without problems.  Next hurdle is my CBC on Thursday, but we'll see what happens with that.  I have permission to work from home as much as I feel that I need to so as to not get sick when my white cell counts are tanking.

    On the Wish front, I am contacting Wish Granting Agencies today and tomorrow to see what we need to do to get to Walt Disney World.  We have already had 3 day passes donated, which is a HUGE blessing!  This is really going to happen.  I can't wait!!!!

    On a personal note, I was blessed beyond measure to have my Grandmamma here this weekend.  I had chemo on Thursday, and she flew in on Friday.  She kept an eye on me, and we got to visit and talk.  She got to see the girls get dolled up for their dances, and go to dinner on Saturday with the boys and Meleia.  Today, I'm installing "ding" from Southwest since my friend, Amy, found tickets from Nashville for $50 each way last week.  Maybe Grandmamma can be here more often at those prices!

    OK, it's Monday and I have to get to work.  Thank you for all of your prayers and support.


  • Prom

    Prom - 007

    007 - Casino Royale

    Prom - Bond Girls 

    My own "Bond Girls"

    Prom - Anna Bre Ciera

    Prom - Drama Girls

    The drama girls (friends from Pygmalion)

    Prom - Hair

    Her hair.  Yes, she did it herself!

    Prom - My Fair Lady

    With her two best Sophomore friends at Starbuck's.  I called this one "My Fair Lady." 

    Prom - Sillies

    Goofin' off at prom.


  • 8th Grade Dinner Dance

    8th Grade - Meleia Flower

    Pretty Meleia - holding the coursage she didn't want to wear...

    8th Grade - Meleia

    Manditory Fireplace Shot

    8th Grade - Mimi Andrea

    Meleia and Andrea

    8th Grade - Mimi Andrea 2

    Meleia and Andrea Closeup

    8th Grade - Table 10

     Table 10


    8th Grade - Mimi & Friends

    Jessie, Meleia, Andrea, & Abby

    8th Grade - Mexico Team 1

    The 5 8th graders from the Mexico mission team

    8th Grade - Mexico Team 2

     Aforementioned missionaries, being silly for a few minutes

    Meleia said that they had a wonderful time.

    As we speak, the oldest one is getting ready for prom.  YIKES!


  • Spoke a bit too soon...

    I'm still doing OK.  But today is a bit rougher on the nausea and achiness side of things.  Dr. H said that I would porbably have one flu-like day, and I'm guessing today is it.

    I've got heartburn or something resembling it, but it's painful.  And I'm a bit weaker than yesterday.  But, overall, I'm feeling much better than I had been prepared to feel, so it's still a win!

    I just had to open my first escalated claim with PayPal.  I ordered a sign on 3/14.  Haven't heard "boo" from the seller.  Since I bought it through "buy it now," I paid immediately.  I've emailed her 5 or 6 times.  I've sent her messages through ebay and paypal.  We got her phone number from ebay and Paul tried to call 5 times, and no one ever answered.

    And in the meantime, she's just racking up all sorts of positive feedback from folks who have GOTTEN their items.

    I left her negative feedback, too, which probably means that I'll have a negative on mine tomorrow.

    My mom is taking Ciera to the mall to get her makeup done for Prom.  AAACCCKKKK!!! Her date will be here in just 5 hours!

  • The Day After...

    You guys, I don't know what's up besides your prayers and the prayers of many others, but so far I DON'T HAVE A SINGLE SIDE EFFECT. I'm taking meds that help. But other than being a bit weary (and discombobulated after dark), I'm doing great.

    And the doctor doubled my pain meds, and I'm not hurting today, either. Walking isn't horrible. In fact, it's not even bad.

    Whoda thunk the day AFTER chemo would be better than the day before??

    Keep the prayers a'comin'.  This is really miraculous.  I'm so shocked, I can't even explain it.  God is good... all the time.

  • It's MEEEE

    I'm tired, and suffering from a major case of "chemo brain," but I just wanted you to know that I'm here and I'm OK, and I'll be asleep soon.  The side effects are being controlled pretty well.  Dr. H said that I'll be flu-like achey tomorrow and Saturday. Fuuunnnn.

    Ciera was nominated for a humongous honor in our city AND SHE WAS CHOSEN!!!!  I'm going to private post it, just becasue I don't want to show people how to get to my 16-year-old daughter.  But I'm very proud of her. It's a huge year-long deal.